Yearly Archives: 2017

Carpe Diem – “And if not now, then when?” (Pirkei Avoth 1:14)

“While your fire is burning, roast your pumpkin.” So said Rabbi Yohanan somewhat cryptically in Talmudic Tractate Sanhedrin (33b), but whatever he meant, I don’t think he was referring to a non-Jewish holiday at the end of October. It is

Posted in Rabbi Jack's Quarterly

To Life-L’Chayim

An anonymous rabbi in the Talmud is quoted as saying, “I don’t want to achieve immortality through my work; I want to achieve immortality through not dying.” OK, maybe that’s not in the Talmud but rather attributed to Woody Allen.

Posted in Rabbi Jack's Quarterly

A Truly Crumby Holiday

I’ve always thought that Passover was a crumby holiday. Indeed, the floor is now littered with shards of matzah as I write this quarterly message on Day 6. I love the family aspects of the seder and the opportunity to

Posted in Rabbi Jack's Quarterly

Brooklyn’s in the House

This quarterly rabbi message is dedicated to the Jews of Brooklyn (and Beverly and I do own a copy of the book of that name edited by Ilana Abramovitch and Sean Galvin). Sadly, Beverly’s mother, Justine Flora Post, passed away

Posted in Rabbi Jack's Quarterly